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Third Quarter Review


Just when we thought it’d be a quiet few months it wasn’t! Quarter three was busy.

We co-ordinated emergency aid callouts and donations for The Orange Door, BayCISS, ChelCSS, Bayside Council, The Avalon Centre, Disaster Relief Australia and Glen Eira College.

Dandenongs callout

Our very own Louise Black made two trips to deliver requested and urgently needed animal and human aid we gathered for the storm ravaged Dandenong’s region.

Packing session

We held a massive packing session for children fleeing domestic violence comfort packs. This was undertaken by an army of amazing volunteers at The Church of Jesus Christ & The Latter Day Saints the night before lockdown.

Emerge Women & Children’s Support Network received their delivery of the packs and a second delivery of aid for babies.

New partnerships

We also became charity partners with the sensational team at Pinchapoo and received a generous grant from Kingston Council and a sizeable donation from Brian LEWIN - Lewin Real Estate.

We were approached by the Magistrate Court of Victoria who have made us one of their official charities.

More care packs

A big thank you goes to Glennis Eather who co-ordinated people to sew hundreds of drawstring bags, pencil cases and period packs for our care packs. Also a shout out of thanks to all the volunteers sewing from home and making hundreds of beautiful hand made cards for our packs.

Plus our thanks to the numerous organisations and community members who have donated amazing goods to go into our packs including the marvellous crew who donated the most sensational hand made dolls for many of our domestic violence comfort packs.

A massive August

We chose August to hold our mammoth online auction annual fundraiser as it was supposed to be a quiet month then, boom! Grill’d Southland announced us as one of the 3 organisations to receive a donation jar for the month (and we won!)

The Rotary Club of Brighton very generously held an epic bike ride by Matt to raise funds for our domestic violence comfort packs. They had to create a plan B through lockdown announcements which made the ride even more challenging but they achieved greatness and we are truly thankful to Matt Nichols and the club.

August also saw our founder Deb Brook announced as a finalist in the Westfield Local Heroes grant and we are expecting an announcement of the outcome in October. Thank you to those who voted and shared the announcement.

August culminated in our annual online auction fundraiser that saw a whopping 150 items up for auction and a record breaking amount raised.

September and beyond

In September we also held our inaugural AGM and have once more added to our board & committee. We have a lot of plans for the future so stay tuned and join in where you wish.

We have quite a few plans for the 4th quarter so please share our link and invite people to join our active Facebook group so we can help even more in need. What you see on our social media is a fraction of what we do. Christmas plans are already in place and we hope to have a few packing sessions, all COVID pending.

Thank you to everyone for your continued support. It truly takes a village and ours is going from strength to strength. Thank you to everyone. Our community truly rocks!



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